Download Any Files From 4shared Directly Thru Your Phone.
You can download any files from 4shared through your phone with all this easy steps.
(1.) first of all, you must have the opera mini. the old one.
(2.) and go to from your OM's browser.
(3.) search and select the files that you want to download.
(4.) then, you will directed to the next page.
(5.) just scroll down, find the URL.
(6.) when you had found it, you need to copy the URL to your notes, or messaging text, or whatever.
(7.) this only the example, my URL is
(8.) all you need to do, just change the 'file' into 'download' and the second one, change the format '.html' to '.mp3'
(9.) and it should be like this, (see the different)
(10.) the final steps. copy and paste your url to your Opera.v8.65 or Opera Mini. (fget won't works!)